Home-made pizza are a nutritious and delicious meal which give kids plenty of opportunities to “explore” and learn about cooking, the senses and flavour combinations
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Tag: kids nutrition
Water. How much does my child need?
Having an understanding of how much fluid your child needs is a great starting point in understanding whether you really do need to keep reminding them to drink.
We also provide tips for helping with hydration.
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Food before one is not just for fun.
There is a common notion that “food before one is just for fun” . Food plays an important role in the first year of life from both nutritional and developmental perspectives. Here we un-pack the when, what and why of introducing solids.
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The importance of mini-meals (snacks) for mini-people
Mini-meals, mid-meals, snacks, smoko. Call it what you will, there is an important place for structured eating between main meals for toddlers and young children
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Iron Deficiency. Tips for prevention and “cure”
ron is an important nutrient. It plays a key role in many of the bodies’ functions including growth, development and appetite regulation Simply put, if iron levels are low children and may find it difficult to concentrate, difficult to learn to their potential and difficult to eat the right types and amounts of food their young body needs.
Here we explain risk-factors for iron-deficiency as well as provide tips for preventing deficiency and eating an iron-rich diet
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